(Back Row L to R: Dustin Krohn, Tasha Lara, Brian Maston. Front Row L to R: Tracy Meyerkorth, Jessica Venneberg, Michelle Rager, Amy Kolterman)
Location | Name | Position | Term |
Area 1 | Havensville | 2024-2027 | |
Area 2 | Onaga (east city limits) | 2024-2027 | |
Area 3 | Onaga (north) | 2024-2027 | |
Area 4 | Jessica Venneberg, President | Onaga (west city limits) | 2022-2025 |
Area 5 | Wheaton | 2022-2025 | |
Area 6 | Michelle Rager, Vice President | Onaga (south) | 2022-2025 |
Area 7 | Onaga (Member at Large) | 2024-2027 |
What is the Role of the Board of Education?
School boards serve the community in a variety of ways. The board is the voice of the community regarding decisions about the schools in the district. Board members listen to the ideas of the people in the community, school staff, and students, and they include those ideas in setting district goals. They advocate for their school district and schools by sharing the community views during the decision-making process.
The Board Governs and Sets Expectation
The roles and responsibilities of the members vary from those of the superintendent and the school administrators. The board hires and evaluates the superintendent and approve and monitor district policies and budgets. They meet regularly to review the district’s accountability for performance and student achievement. Collectively, they ensure that the district adheres to state standards.
The Superintendent Leads and Manages
The superintendent and school administrators are responsible for the implementation of the district vision and accompanying plans. Items concerning building operation are handled at the administrative level. Staffing and student matters should always be addressed with school administrators as these are not items discussed at the board table. Parents and patrons are always encouraged to work with district staff when it pertains to school-level concerns.
Powers of the Board
The following can quickly summarize the responsibilities of the board:
Evaluation of the Superintendent
Negotiated Agreement
Allocation of Resources
Decisions regarding the district policies and budget are made at public, open school board meetings by majority vote. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend board meetings, and they are welcome to speak to the board for consideration on district topics during public forum. Ultimately the purpose of the meetings is always to make policy with the best interest of all students in mind.